Cyprus Univeristy of Technology is one of three state universities in the Republic of Cyprus. The campus is located in Limassol. The CUT aspires to develop into a modern, pioneering and internationally recognized university, able to offer education and high level research in leading fields of research that currently have a great impact on the economic, technological and scientific sectors. Focusing mainly on applied research, the University aspires to acquire a role in support of the State and society in their efforts to deal with problems related to science and technology.
CUT provides six faculties that students can choose from like Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Faculty of Engineering and Technology and one Language Centre. We teach around 4500 students in both under- and post- graduate courses.
CUT is already a member of 70 international and European organizations or networks and maintains bilateral Agreements with most European countries’ universities and additionally with Third Countries universities, mainly in the Mediterranean region. CUT is also a member of EMUNI (Euromediterranean University) Senate, Bologna Convention Promoter and is currently working in promoting its international out-look by partici-pating in European Programmes such as ERASMUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, TEMPUS, LLP. Regarding local collaboration, CUT has signed Memoranda of Under-standing with 40 public bearers, organizations and private companies.
CUT has large experience in coordinating large European projects.
Partner in all outputs
Coordinating Output 4- EU Model for the development of role models to promote culturally competent compassionate care
Contribution to the creation of the intellectual outputs:
O1 - Conducting the integrative reviews of the literature regarding culturally competent compassion
O2 - Tool for self assessment of culturally competent compassion
O3 - Needs assessment of nurses’ and other health professionals’ leaders
O4 - A European model for the development of role models to promote and support culturally competent and compassionate care
O5 - A work based training curriculum for healthcare leaders in culturally competent and compassionate care
O6 - Learning tools for healthcare leaders in culturally competent and compassionate care
O7 - Culturally competent compassion knowledge sharing network
Piloting and testing the Tool for self assessment of culturally competent compassion and the European Model for the development of role models to promote and support culturally competent and compassionate care, training curriculum and learning tools created with nurses’ and other health professionals’ leaders.
Organizing the National Seminar in Cyprus
Participating in the European Conference in UK
Monitoring, evaluation, assessment and dissemination of project on the national level.
Project team
Dr Christiana Kouta
Mrs Elena Rousou
Dr Marios Vasiliou