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MODULE 1: Intercultural Communication
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3. Become a tolerant and active listener


  1. Please read the following article and reflect on how people from different countries and cultures behave, communicate and perceive the world around them.
  2. Join the MOOC Discussion Mail List on and compose a message with the title “Became a tolerant and active listener” in which you should respond to the following:
    1. Have you ever wondered why people from some cultures talk so loud and seem aggressive?

    2. Warning: Undefined array key 14227 in /home/r100925iene/ on line 39
    3. Why do people from some cultures make it difficult to get a straight answer to a simple question?
    4. Think of a person / patient from a cultural group different to yours and make a list of :
      1. Therapeutic communication approaches /behaviours that show cultural sensitivity;
      2. Non-therapeutic communication approaches/behaviours;
      3. Suggestions of ways/behaviours which can improve communication amongst healthcare teams whose members come from different cultural groups.
  3. Send your message to the group.
  4. View the lists of at least 2 participants in your group and provide feedback on how they differ from yours.
Key outputs

IENE 1, 2008-2010

  • Research report EN
  • PTT/IENE Model EN
  • Report of the survey EN
  • Good Practice Manual EN

IENE 2, 2010-2012

  • Transnational Report  EN
  • ToT methodology  EN  RO  FR  NL
  • Strategic Guide  EN
  • Final conference  EN
  • Brochure with project results  EN

IENE 3, 2013-2015

IENE 4, 2014-2016

  • Report on integrative literature reviews EN
  • Needs assessment report EN
  • An European model for the development of role models to promote and support culturally competent and compassionate care EN
  • Curriculum EN
  • Report of the Tools EN

IENE 5, 2015-2017

  • Needs assessment Report EN
  • Training Model EN RO IT EL DK
  • Curriculum EN
  • Handbook for MOOC facilitators EN
  • MOOC Best Practice Guide EN

IENE 6, 2016-2018

IENE 7, 2017-2019

IENE 8, 2018-2021

IENE 9, 2019-2021

IENE 10, 2020-2022

  • Download the project Outputs here.

IENE 11, 2021-2023

  • Download the project Outputs here.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Visitors of this website are welcome to use any of the materials for educational purposes as long as they clearly credit their source.