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Culturally competent compassion

Papadopoulos has defined culturally competent compassion as the human quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it using culturally appropriate and acceptable nursing /healthcare interventions which take into consideration both the patients’ and the carers’ cultural backgrounds as well as the context in which care is given.


Papadopoulos I. Courage, Compassion and Cultural Competence. The 13th Anna Reynvaan Lecture. 19th May 2011, De Stadsschouwburg - Amsterdam City Theatre. Netherlands. 2011. Papadopoulos I and Pezzella. A snapshot review of culturally competent compassion as addressed in selected mental health textbooks for undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Compassionate Health Care 2015, 2:3 (22 May 2015)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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