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Empowerment refers to the "process of enhancing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes" (World Bank official website). Empowerment is mainly related to economic poverty but also to social arrangements (social structure, social class), governance-local or national. If we summarize the definition of Empowerment we could refer only to Liberty which translates into: Access to Information, Access to Basic Services, and Participation to Public Decision etc.
Having all of the above you are empowered to make a wider range of choices, you are in the position of real influencing your own life and change its course whenever you feel to.We could say that in healthcare empowerment is Access to Basic Services but also to the opportunity of choosing your health provider.

Related terms:

Cultural competence    Dignity    Human Rights    Intercultural dialogue    Intercultural Education    Institutional Racism    Structure    Transcultural Communication    
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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