Ethnohistory, is in effect, history informed by an anthropological understanding of social structure, culture, and community, informed by a historical understanding of time and change. Ethnohistory is about all those past facts, events, instances, experiences of individuals, groups, cultures, and institutions that are primarily people-centred (ethno) and which describe, explain, and interpret human lifeways within particular cultural contexts and over short or long periods of time (Leininger 1995). According to Papadopoulos and Lees (2002) the production of culturally competent knowledge should always start by a serious effort to understand the ethnohistory of the population under study.
Leininger, M. (1995) Transcultural nursing. Concepts, theories, research & practices. McGraw-Hill. New York. Papadopoulos I & Lees S (2002) Developing culturally competent researchers. Journal of Advanced Nursing 37(3), 258-264.
Related terms: Culture Cultural awareness Cultural competence Cultural heritage Cultural identity Valuing Diversity Ethnos / Ethnic Heritage consistency Indigenous People |