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Welcome to the IENE projects!

This multilingual website addresses nurses and healthcare professionals working with patients from different cultures and languages and aims to improve the quality of their vocational education and training in Europe.

During the IENE 1 to IENE 11 projects, 27 partners from 14 European countries developed a Model for Intercultural education of nurses and healthcare professionals based on the Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor Model (PTT/IENE MODEL)




The goal of this programme is to promote understanding of the impact of culture on health beliefs and practices and to help nurses and other health professionals to develop/increase their cultural competences in order to provide culturally appropriate and effective care.



1.1 To be aware about one’s own culture and cultural identity and relate them to personal values, health beliefs and practices

1.2 To be aware of cultural diversity and different health beliefs and behaviours

1.3 To understand the basic principles of the Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor model for developing cultural competence

1.4 To critically examine the concepts of ethnocentricity and stereotyping


2.1 To describe the problems people face and to identify the psycho-social and cultural issues fundamentally affecting the health behaviours and well-being of people in multicultural societies

2.2. To use a wide range of data and resources to acquire knowledge of particular communities and recognise similarities and differences between culture-specific health beliefs and behaviours

2.3 To consider anthropological, sociological, psychological and biological determinants of health in order to understand the inequalities in health and welfare

2.4. To locate the national and European legislation related to immigration, human rights and discrimination and to make links between them and structural inequalities


3.1 To develop empathetic and trusting therapeutic relationships with patients/clients and their families

3.2 To develop transcultural communication skills by means of acceptance and respect as well as facilitation and negotiation

3.3 To consider patients/clients as true partners in all aspects of care

3.4 To apply knowledge of universalism and relativism when planning and providing culturally sensitive care


4.1. To recognise and challenge discrimination and racism both at practice and policy level

4.2. To provide culturally competent health care for children of different cultural backgrounds and their families, within an empowering and non-discriminatory environment that respects their human rights

4.3 To provide culturally competent health care for adult patients/clients of different cultural backgrounds and their families, within an empowering and non-discriminatory environment that respects their human rights

4.4 To provide culturally competent health care for people with mental health problems of different cultural backgrounds and their families, within an empowering and non-discriminatory environment that respects their human rights

For more information, see Good Practice Manual .

Key outputs

IENE 1, 2008-2010

  • Research report EN
  • PTT/IENE Model EN
  • Report of the survey EN
  • Good Practice Manual EN

IENE 2, 2010-2012

  • Transnational Report  EN
  • ToT methodology  EN  RO  FR  NL
  • Strategic Guide  EN
  • Final conference  EN
  • Brochure with project results  EN

IENE 3, 2013-2015

IENE 4, 2014-2016

  • Report on integrative literature reviews EN
  • Needs assessment report EN
  • An European model for the development of role models to promote and support culturally competent and compassionate care EN
  • Curriculum EN
  • Report of the Tools EN

IENE 5, 2015-2017

  • Needs assessment Report EN
  • Training Model EN RO IT EL DK
  • Curriculum EN
  • Handbook for MOOC facilitators EN
  • MOOC Best Practice Guide EN

IENE 6, 2016-2018

IENE 7, 2017-2019

IENE 8, 2018-2021

IENE 9, 2019-2021

IENE 10, 2020-2022

  • Download the project Outputs here.

IENE 11, 2021-2023

  • Download the project Outputs here.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Visitors of this website are welcome to use any of the materials for educational purposes as long as they clearly credit their source.